Engraved Communion set, guest book, hymnals, inscribed Bible, church charter, engraved communion table
Engraved Communion set, guest book, hymnals, inscribed Bible, church charter, engraved communion table
Donated via USPS on February 7, 2024, accessioned on March 6, 2024
Two photo reproductions made from 120 black and white negatives taken along Essex Steet in the late forties or fifties by Franklin Chace Scott. One is of a captured Japanese submarine on public display, and the other is of snow-covered cars at the intersection of Broadway and Essex St.
Donated via USPS on April 19, 2024, accessioned on May 1, 2024
Oral history interview (filmed on iPad) in which Atty. DiFruscia provides an overview of his life and career; interview conducted by Yadira Betances and donor’s daughter, Atty. Kara Andrews. View oral history here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/7zbtvollzcsvwa6l3ntck/h?rlkey=as0myv2dww…