The W. Dean and Sy Eastman Student Research Fellowship was first awarded in 2021. The Fellowship is awarded to a high school or college student to conduct research (either a suggested project or one proposed by the fellow) that will be of mutual benefit to Lawrence History Center and the fellow.

  • 2023: Grace Kasabula 

    For in-depth exploration of the Lawrence History Center’s archival collections on public health, public water supply, Hiram F. Mills, the Lawrence Experiment Station, and the State Board of Health Reports, as well as the photographs, maps, atlases, and oral history collections to create an informational video about the history of wastewater treatment in Lawrence, MA. The video tells the story of how Lawrence became the first city in the United States to treat its municipal water for disease prevention and paved the way for public health advancements in other cities across the United States. 


  • 2023: Isabella Rozzi 

    For examining records from the Essex County Jail Records Collection for three different years—1864, 1900, and 1922—and collecting information such as age, gender, ethnicity, birthplace, offense, and sentencing of people from Lawrence. The analysis of the three time periods allowed for the comparison of statistics over time to identify changes in the economy, society, and politics in America through the lens of Lawrence, MA. 

    • Slideshow presentation (to be posted soon!)
    • Research paper (to be posted soon!)


  • 2022: Sibelle Grisé 

    For surveying, re-organizing, and researching our collections on Hispanic and Latino history in Lawrence, resulting in a more cohesive, detailed, and accessible archive. These efforts lay the groundwork for future donations to be more easily and thoughtfully integrated into the collection and allow for deeper exploration on post-WWII immigration history in Lawrence. 


  • 2021: Sarah Elizabeth McDermott 

    For research on the connection between the Lawrence History Center’s Essex County Jail Records (ECJR) and the Bread and Roses Strike of 1912. Analysis of records from 1910-1912 uncovered groundbreaking information regarding the newly arrived immigrant women jailed during the children’s exodus. Said findings serve as a call to action to use the ECJR as a tool to better understand local history.