
Author: Amita Kiley
CRM Contact ID
Karen Mello
Received From
picked up at donor's home by Amita Kiley
Received As
Received By
Kiley, Amita
Received On
Accessioned By
Kiley, Amita
Accessioned On
  • Framed Ralph Fasanella Strike of 1912 poster, signed by Ralph Fasanella



Author: Amita Kiley
Arthur Sevigny
Received From
via USPS
Received As
Received By
Kiley, Amita
Received On
Accessioned By
Kiley, Amita
Accessioned On
  • Two monthly newsletters from the Merrimack Valley Amateur Radio Club, made up of members from Lawrence and the surrounding communities. Dated March 22, 1939 and November 1947. Donor’s grandfather was a Ham Radio Operator.
  • Program for the Girl Scout Council of Greater Lawrence Inc. of their Girl Scout Day Camp at Pomp’s Pond Andover Mass, which donor’s mother attended likely around 1950.
  • A program for a Pianoforte Recital by pupils of Miss Sophia H. Yunggebauer (a Lawrence family) at the Andover Junior High School June 21, 1951.


In Memory of
James and Stella Rhodes


Author: Amita Kiley
Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
Donor Organization
Lawrence Heritage State Park (LHSP)
Received From
picked up from Mary Pyburn by Amita Kiley at LHSP
Received As
Received By
Kiley, Amita
Received On
Accessioned By
Kiley, Amita
Accessioned On
  • Hat and custom case which belonged to Mayor Michael A. Scanlon, the 36th Mayor of Lawrence (1912-1914)
  • Large, framed color print of the Arlington Mill complex


Author: Amita Kiley
CRM Contact ID
David Bisson
Received From
via UPS to Amita Kiley's home
Received As
Received By
Kiley, Amita
Received On
Accessioned By
Kiley, Amita
Accessioned On
  • Reproduction of a photo of the Lawrence High School class of 1933, featuring the donor’s mother Esther “Betty” Fearer
In Memory of
(Betty) Esther Fearer Bisson


Author: Amita Kiley
CRM Contact ID
Dan Gagnon
Received As
Received By
Grabski, Susan
Received On
Accessioned By
Kiley, Amita
Accessioned On
  • Assorted photos, letter, newspaper clippings, and ephemera related to the Kirmil Family and Salach Family, both of Lawrence, MA


Author: Amita Kiley
CRM Contact ID
Kirstin Clarke
Received From
via USPS
Received As
Received By
Kiley, Amita
Received On
Accessioned By
Kiley, Amita
Accessioned On
  • Paperwork, “Specifications and other documents for the labor and materials required of the contractor for the erection and completion of the new administration and nurses home building and the remodeling of the service building and the dormitory at the municipal home for the City of Lawrence, Massachusetts, Federal Emergency Administration of Pubic Works” undated, but under the term of Mayor Walter A. Griffin (1934–1942) and Alderman David J. Burke.

  • Scrapbook pertaining to Alderman (For Public Health and Charities Dept.) David J. Burke and information about his wife Elizabeth (Boyd) Burke, for whom the Bessie Burke Hospital was named.
In Memory of
David and Bessie Burke

PLEASE SHARE -- ATTENTION Lawrence Middle School Students!

Online Registration is CLOSED for the 2024 Rising Loaves program (Andover Bread Loaf at Lawrence History Center), now in its 10th summer! The program will run July 8 - July 26, 2024, M - F, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM.

For more information, please visit:

Questions? Please reach out to Susan Grabski, 978-686-9230, director@lawrencehistory.org

Individuals & Families File Cabinet

Author: Amita Kiley

Abbott, Steve

This folder contains a copy of the family tree of Stephen F. Abbott (b. 1947), printed from Ancestry.com. Includes references to 30 individuals from the Cunningham, Lyle, Muldoon, Abbott and Keefe families. (2 pages)


Allyn Family

This folder contains a photocopy of a document dated Feb. 1, 1888, from Lawrence school teacher Susan E. Sawyer to Abbie Maria Allyn, mother of Alfred Warren Allyn (b. April 4, 1878, Lawrence). The document refers to Allyn’s poor health and absences from school, as well as his success and imminent promotion. 

The folder also includes a portion of the narrative genealogy of descendants of Richard Allyn including entries for Alfred Warren Allyn (b. April 2, 1824, Salem, Mass.), Warren Chandler Allyn (b. Aug. 15, 1853, Lawrence) and Alfred Warren Allyn. Alfred Warren Allyn is noted to have owned a successful lumber business in Lawrence with Caleb T. Briggs. Note in file references LF1 Families photo binder (2011.089.001) (3 pages)

Altshuler, Daniel 

This folder contains a clipping from an undated edition of Cape Ann magazine with a story by Yadira Betances about Gloucester, Mass., sculptor Daniel Altshuler and his creation of “The Striker’s Memorial,” a plaque commemorating the 100th anniversary of the 1912 Bread and Roses Strike. (2 pages front and back) 

Arthur Family

This folder contains certified copies of death records of Andrew Arthur (d. Jan. 9, 1881, Lawrence, age 80); David Arthur (d. Aug. 17, 1902, Lawrence, age 77), and Jeanette B. Arthur (d. Jan. 30, 1912, Lawrence, age 80). Records were retrieved and notarized Nov. 17, 1966. Note in file references photos LF1 2020.043) (3 pages)

Arzigian, Simon

This folder contains copies of three essays describing Depression-era childhood memories of Simon Arzigian (b. 1921, Lawrence). Including descriptions of life in a tenement (undetermined location) as well as other memories of growing up such as work as a newsboy, attending grade school and high school, work in an unidentified mill, and buying food from area markets. Essays dated 1999 and 2001 at a senior center, location unspecified. (4 pages) (NO FILE NUMBER)

Arthur Family

This folder contains certified copies of death records of Andrew Arthur (d. Jan. 9, 1881, Lawrence, age 80); David Arthur (d. Aug. 17, 1902, Lawrence, age 77), and Jeanette B. Arthur (d. Jan. 30, 1912, Lawrence, age 80). Records were retrieved and notarized Nov. 17, 1966. Note in file references photos LF1 2020.043) (3 pages) (NO FILE NUMBER) 

Arvanitis, William

This folder contains two documents pertaining to the WWI service of William Arvanitis: a (French) Inter Allied Victory Medal Citation, dated Oct. 12, 1922, noting his service as a soldier in the 308th Infantry Regiment from April 6, 1918 until April 20, 1919; and a presidential memorial certificate such as those issued to commemorate the service of deceased veterans, undated though stamped with the signature of President Lyndon B. Johnson. (2 documents) (NO FILE NUMBER)

Ashton, Richard

This folder contains four documents related to the career of Richard Ashton (b. Feb. 3, 1904, Lawrence), as well as photocopies of each: a third-class engineer’s license issued March 8, 1938, by the Massachusetts state boiler inspector; a third-class engineer’s license renewal issued Dec. 17, 1957, by the boiler inspector to Richard Ashton, of Marble Avenue, Lawrence; a commendation issued by the Mead Corp. for a five-year, 100 percent safety record on April 4, 1962; and a certificate commemorating 11 years 10 months of service to the Mead Corp. issued upon retirement on March 1, 1969. (8 documents) (NO FILE NUMBER)

Avery, Judy

This folder contains the accession record of the gift of Judy Avery, of Morton Street, Andover, received Oct. 15, 2005, and accessioned Oct. 27, 2005. The record lists 43 items accessioned. Note on folder indicates reference to the Morehouse and Colmer families. (2 pages) (2005.049.xxx)

Avery, Judy

This folder contains two American National Red Cross cards: one issued by the Essex County Chapter, Lawrence, to Gladys Ethel Morehouse noting completion of a course in Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick, dated March 1929 (xxx.023); another certifying renewal of the senior membership of Gladys Morehouse, of Oakwood Avenue, in the Red Cross Life Saving Service, dated July 28, 1932 (xxx.024). Note on folder indicates reference to the Morehouse and Colmer families. (2005.049.023) and (2005.049.024)

Avery, Judy

This folder contains two Lawrence Public Library cards: No. 80731 issued to Clarence H. Colmer, of East Street, Methuen (xxx.025), first used Feb. 11, 1937; and No. 71299 issued to Gladys E. Morehouse, of Oakwood Avenue, Lawrence, first used Oct. 5, 1932 (xxx.026). Note on folder indicates reference to the Morehouse and Colmer families. (2005.049.025) and (2005.049.026)

Avery, Judy

This folder contains four name pins and ribbons for conventions of the New England Typographical Unions: a pin identifying Clarence C. Colmer as a committee member at the 51st annual conference held in Lawrence, June 26-27, 1939 (xxx.27); a pin identifying Mrs. C. H. Colmer as a visitor at the 51st annual convention held in Lawrence, June 26-27, 1939 (xxx.028); and two guest pins for the 52nd annual conference held June 20-23, 1964, denoting a 75th anniversary as well as the Lawrence Typographical Union (xxx.029 and xxx.030). Note on folder indicates reference to the Morehouse and Colmer families. (4 items) (2005.049.027) and (2005.049.028) and (2005.049.029) and (2005.049.030)

Avery, Judy

This folder contains three items related to Betsy Ross Bread: an image (and photocopy) clipped from an unidentified publication of a Federal Truck delivering Betsy Ross Bread on behalf of the Royal Bakery, with a notation on the reverse of “Grampa Morehouse business, Ray Morehouse, son, and father, Gladys” (xxx.31); a white synthetic fabric collar, with a scalloped edge, used by Betsy Ross Bakery employees (xxx.032); and a white cotton headband worn by bakery employees with red embroidery that reads: “Betsey (sic) Ross” (xxx.033).  Note on folder indicates reference to the Morehouse and Colmer families, Betsy Ross Bread, Morehouse Bakery. (3 items) (2005.049.031) and (2005.049.032) and (2005.049.033)

Avery, Judy

This folder contains photocopies of the Master Mason (3d degree) certificate issued to Wilbur Raymond Morehouse in the Phoenician Lodge in Lawrence on June 9, “A.L. 5920” (1920). Note in file indicates original document removed to closed stacks / oversized box. Note on folder indicates reference to the Morehouse and Colmer families. (2005.049.041)

Avery, Judy

This folder contains two documents pertaining to Lawrence General Hospital: (1) A program from the groundbreaking ceremony for a seven-story west wing building held on Friday, June 21, 1963. Among others, the program acknowledges Mrs. John T. Morehouse, second vice president and chairman of the Public Relations Committee (xxx.042); (2) A copy of The General Journal, published quarterly by Lawrence General Hospital, Vol. 8, No. 3 (Fall 1973). A description of Mrs. John T. (Dottie) Morehouse’s service to Lawrence General — including as founder of the hospital publication — is included among tributes to a number of hospital supporters and trustees. (xxx.043) Note on folder indicates reference to the Morehouse and Colmer families. (2005.049.042) and (2005.049.043)

Ayer, FrederickThis folder contains four documents related to American Woolen Co. founder Frederick Ayer: a September 1902 edition of the Lowell Textile Journal including a feature on Lowell Textile School alumni Frederick Fanning Ayer, identified by a note in the file as nephew of “the ‘Lawrence’ Frederick Ayer”;  a clipping of an Oct. 14, 1992, article in the Eagle-Tribune describing plans to tear down the 36-room summer estate, Avalon, that Ayer built in Beverly’s Pride’s Crossing; a clipping of a December 2007 Boston Magazine feature describing the controversy surrounding the management of the Ayer estate; and a clipping of a Nov. 7, 2013, article from The Boston Globe describing efforts to preserve the Ayer mansion at 395 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, which Ayer commissioned Louis Comfort Tiffany to design and was built between 1899 and 1902. (1994.217.137)

These folders are not in a subject box, but rather in the Individuals and Families file cabinet in the closed stacks.

Turners Convention Committee

Author: Amita Kiley
Title (generic)
Accession No.

Undated group photo of the Turners Convention Committee for Lawrence's Turn Verein.

Lawrence History Center General Photograph Collection
6" x 10"
The Lawrence History Center holds this image but may not have full intellectual property and legal rights to it. Please contact the Center for more information.
Negative No
Image Catalog
LE2-Ethnic Groups-German
2nd Floor - Media Vault - Photo Box
Display Value
Cataloged By
Kiley_ Amita
Negative Location
2nd Floor - Media Vault
Cataloged On