
Author: Amita Kiley
Donor Organization
North Andover Historical Society
Received From
Mark Svendsen
Received As
Received By
Kiley, Amita
Accessioned By
Kiley, Amita
Accessioned On

2 songbooks from the Bay State Music Company in Lawrence

DiFruscia, Anthony

Author: Amita Kiley
Accession No.

Oral history interview (filmed on iPad on December 1, 2023) in which Atty. DiFruscia provides an overview of his life and career; interview conducted by Yadira Betances and donor’s daughter, Atty. Kara Andrews.  View oral history here:  https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/7zbtvollzcsvwa6l3ntck/h?rlkey=as0myv2dww…

Lawrence History Center Oral History Collection
Date (created)
December 1, 2023
Line Index

St. Mary of the Assumption - Bulletins and Calendars

Author: Mary Pannos

Folder Calendars. — Calendars for the years 2007 (two copies, Spanish and English) and 2012, printed by Catholic Extension for St. Mary–Immaculate Conception Parish. 

Folder Parish bulletins. — Bulletins for St. Mary of the Assumption Parish: 14 Nov. 2004, 21 Nov. 2004, 10 Apr. 2005 (two copies), 24 Apr. 2005, 13 Nov. 2011 (two copies), 24 Feb. 2013, 21 Sep. 2014, 30 Aug. 2015, 25 Oct. 2015, 15 Nov. 2015, 24 Apr. 2016, 1 May 2016, 9 Jul. 2017, 14 Apr. 2019, 12 May, 2019, 2 June, 2019, 18 Aug. 2019, 8 Sep. 2019, 10 Nov. 2019, 17 Nov. 2019, 1 Dec. 2019 (2 copies), 8 Dec. 2019 (2 copies), 15 Dec. 2019, 22 Dec. 2019, 9 Feb. 2020, 1 Mar. 2020, 5 Jul 2020, 19 Jul. 2020, 18 Apr. 2021, 25 Apr. 2021, 12 Sept. 2021, 17 Oct. 2021 (2 copies), 24 Oct. 2021, 14 Nov. 2021, 19 Dec. 2021, 2 Jan. 2022, 27 Feb. 2022, 3 Apr. 2022, 17 Apr. 2022, 5 June 2022, 3 July 2022, 10 July 2022, 17 July 2022, 7 Aug. 2022, 28 Aug. 2022 (see the accompanying Pension Plan Liability Letter), 11 Sept. 2022, 18 Sept. 2022, 2 Oct. 2022, 16 Oct. 2022, 30 Oct. 2022, 27 Nov. 2022, 4 Dec. 2022, 18 Dec. 2022 (2copies), 1 Jan. 2023, 8 Jan. 2023, 15 Jan. 2023, 5 Feb. 2023, 12 Feb. 2023, 19 Feb. 2023, 5 Mar. 2023, 9 Apr. 2023, 16 Apr. 2023, 28 May 2023, 11 June 2023 (2022.033)

Folder 2011 Calendar. — One spiral-bound 2011 Saints calendar, printed by Catholic Extension (The Catholic Church Extension Society) jointly for St. Mary of the Assumption Parish and St. Mary Immaculate Conception Cemetery and Chapel Mausoleum. 

Lawrence Public Schools - General Box 3 (Continued)

Author: Mary Pannos

Folder Booklet. “Hispanics in Lawrence” Lawrence Public Schools curriculum booklet. (2003.030) 

Folder Booklets (5). Drawing Course Teacher’s Guides. (1) “Drawing, 4th Year/E.M. Sullivan” (1986.124.007); (2) “Drawing 5th Year” (1986.124.008a); (3) “5th Year” (1986.124.008d); (4) “Drawing Course/Grade VI” (1986.124.009); (5) “7th Year” (1986.124.010) 

Folder Geography Workbooks (3). (1) “New Century Development Maps”, North America/Silver, Burdett & Company, copyright 1897 (1986.124.079); “New Century Development Maps”, Southern States, Eastern Section/The Morse Company Publishers (1986.124.080); “New Century Development Maps”, North America/The Morse Company Publishers, copyright 1895 (1986.124.086) 

Folder Cursive Writing Guidebooks. “Payson, Dunton and Scribner’s National System of Penmanship”/American Book Company (1986.094.040) and Photocopy “Cursive Writing the Easy Way, Palmer Method”/The A.N. Palmer Co.” 

Folder Book Covers. Printed book cover “Lawrence Public Schools/Lawrence Savings Bank” (2019.032) and "Sunshine Center of Lawrence, Coin-Op Laundry & Dry Cleaning" (2023.026.094)

Folder Booklet. "The Relation of the Home to Character Formation" with stamped title page which reads "For the Teacher". Undated. (1986.124.073)

Lawrence Public Schools - Henry K. Oliver School

Author: Mary Pannos


Folder This folder contains three report cards from the Oliver School: (a) an April 26, 1858 report card issued to student A. Field (1998.077.047), (b) an undated report card issued to student Louise Teschner for her work in the 5th and 6th grade, signed by her parent August Teschner and teachers Miss Doble and Maria C. Sullivan (1983.073.017) and (c) an undated report card issued to student Louise Teschner for her work in the 8th grade, signed by her parent August Teschner and teacher Ella J. Sullivan (1983.073.016).

Folder This folder contains Memorial Day programs for observances held at the Oliver School.  The programs are dated 1901 (1) and 1902 (3). (1992.177.006, 1992.177.007 a,b)

Folder This folder contains a ticket for the "Annual Community Observance of I Am An American Day" to be held at the Oliver School Hall on May 19, 1946. (1995.081.010-1)

Folder This folder contains a photocopy of a photograph titled "1952 Oliver School Basketball Champs".

Folder This folder contains a 1958 diploma and a school pin issued to Barbara Ann Silva from the Henry K. Oliver School. The round school pin bears the inscription "Oliver Elementary School 58" is is attached to an orange ribbon. (2024.012.001)

Yearbooks  Included in this subject box are a series of Oliver Junior High School yearbooks.  There are 10 yearbooks in total and cover the years 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976 (3 copies), 1977 (2 copies), 1978, 1983 and 1986 (2003.058)

Folder This folder contains a program for the unveiling of the Oliver School student painted mural "Lawrence: Yesterday and Today", dated May 13, 1987.

Folder This folder contains two books: (a) "Blues Jam", 1999 and (b) Honey, I Love Poetry Jam", 2000. Both of these books are compilations of original poetry written and performed by Oliver School students. (2015.070)

Folder This folder contains a booklet titled "Home + City, A Photography & Writing Project" (2). This booklet, dated 2005-2006, was created in collaboration with Oliver School teacher Mary Guerrero's 4th Grade Class, the Education Department of the Addison Gallery and Andover-Lawrence Bread Loaf. (2006.097, 2015.070.002)

Folder This folder contains a clipping reporting on Oliver School teacher Sheila Barry, a recipient of the 2008 Walmart Teachers of the Year.

Folder This folder contains information pertaining to a visit by Oliver School students to the Lawrence History Center in 2009. Thank you notes written by the students are included.

Folder This folder contains a booklet titled "Our Collections + Museums Project". This booklet, dated 2009-2010, was created by students from Mrs.Jee's 2nd grade class. 

Folder This folder contains a booklet titled "Noticing and Noticing". This booklet, dated 2012, was created in collaboration with Oliver School teacher Mary Guerrero's 1st Grade Class and the Education Department of the Addison Gallery.(2015.070.001)

Folder This folder contains an invitation to the dedication of the Oliver Partnership School, dated August 21, 2013.

Folder This folder contains a booklet titled "My Word, My World". This undated booklet contains poetry and photographs created by students from the Oliver School under the guidance of Oliver School teacher Mary Guerrero in conjunction with the Bread Loaf School of English at Middlebury College and partly supported by a Carnegie Bread Loaf in the Cities Grant. (2015.070)

Folder This folder contains a project titled "The Lawrence ABC Book" and contains photographs and written work by the students of Room 113 at the Oliver School. (2015.070)

Folder This folder contains photocopies from the Lawrence City Documents, dated 1886-1887, pertaining to the early history of the Oliver School. Also included in the folder are photocopies of pictures of the school building, a 1915 graduation photograph of The Oliver School Manual Training Class (1987.065.202) and a photocopy of the Oliver High School Exercises at Graduation, dated May 12, 1865.

Folder This folder contains newspaper articles pertaining to the Oliver school: (a) a December 29, 1986 Eagle Tribune article "Students Lead the Way To Improve Oliver School"; (b) a June 10, 1991 Eagle Tribune article " School Says a Special Goodbye".

Bundle This bundle contains a series of wire bound, oversized books created by students at the Oliver School as part of a photography and writing project. There are 9 books in total and are titled as follows: (a) "My Family, My Community, My Life, 1996-1997 (3); (b) "Amazing People and Places of Lawrence, 1997-1998 (3); (c) "Faces of Lawrence Portraits", 1998-1999 (2); (d) "ME: Memoirs of Children Growing Up In Lawrence, 2000-2001". This bundle is unboxed and is located adjacent to the Henry K. Oliver School Box. (2015.070)