
Lawrence Public Schools - General Box 2



Folder Newspaper Article. “Anne Minahan Named Chief of City’s Project Headstart”, 1965 

Folder Proposal. Upward Bound Program, 1981 (1993.101.004). The Upward Bound Program, designed by the University of Lowell, Special Academic Services, was designed to provide economically disadvantaged youth in the Lawrence and Lowell area with science and math skills to increase their advantage in the labor market. (1993.101.004) 

Folder Newsletter. “The Andover Lawrence Collaborative School, 1988. 

Folder Announcement. 1996 Summer Food Service Program. (1996.280.003a/b) 

Folder Magazine. “Upward Bound Paves the Way to Higher Ground’, Salem State Alumni Magazine, Fall 2009 

Folder Programs (3). Lawrence Public Schools/Business Community Partnerships. Partners in Education Reception/January 23, 1997; Merrimack Valley Area Health Education Center Recognition Dinner/April 10, 1997; Science Club for Girls/April 16, 2016 

Folder Workbook. “Young People’s Guide to Goal Setting” by James P. Desrosiers, 2000 

Folder Brochure and Letter. Lawrence Literacy Works Community Planning Committee, November 17, 2003. This letter is an invitation to participate in a citywide strategic planning effort, “Uniting for a Vision of Literacy”. 

Folder Manuscript. “Learning About Lawrence” proposal by V. Dooley, 1997-1981. Course of Study: Extensive one year program designed to bring together a racially balanced, diverse student body with a wide range of interests and abilities. Lists Goals(6); Description; Introduction; Roots; Discussion; Ethnic Day; Activities; Search; Local Government; Political Action; Activities/Follow-up; Parent Involvement in Lawrence. Students (12) chosen from 8th grade of the Magnet School or students (4) from each of the Junior High Schools. Requirements include 2 afternoons a week for 2 hours on a voluntary basis with permission from guardian or parent. The goal is to increase reading and writing skills through active participation. (2006.054.025) 

Folder May Institute News, 2006; 2008 

Folder Brochures. Lawrence Public Schools “Summer Meals Programs, 2010. 

Folder Article. PALS PROGRAM magazine article. Merrimack Valley Magazine, September/October 2014. 

Folder “Cooking up Healthy Changes in Lawrence” Projectbread Org. (undated)

Folder Brochure. Educational Rights for Homeless Families (undated)

Folder Brochure. Stop Bullying in Our School (undated)

Folder Brochure. Lawrence Working Families Initiative (undated)

Folder Brochure. Lawrence Working Families Resource Center (undated)


Folder Booklet (2). “Lawrence Facing the Future”, June 1955 (1995.075.001). This folder contains a study conducted by The Center for Field Studies/Graduate School of Education at Harvard University. The study consisted of a comprehensive analysis of the Lawrence school system. 

Folder Lawrence Futures, 1986. This file contains an information packet pertaining to the Lawrence Futures program, a branch of the Commonwealth Futures Program. 

Folder New Future Initiatives, Casey Foundation, 1987. This folder contains an information packet pertaining to the Casey Foundation. 

Folder Lawrence Futures, 1988. This folder contains an information packet pertaining to the Casey Foundation proposal pertaining to improvements in the Lawrence Public School system 

Folder Study. “The Need for Educational Services in Lawrence”, August 1983 (1998.079.013). This folder contains a study conducted by Jennifer Wilton for the Northeast Consortium of Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts (NECCUM). 

Folder Proposal. “Planning Information on School Desegregation, 1984 (1988.077.030) 

Folder Case Study. “Massachusetts Case Studies: Looking for Responsibility/The Second Case Study: The City of Lawrence”. 

Folder Research Paper. “The Lawrence Immigrants: English Language Instruction, Yesterday and Today”. This folder contains a research paper written by Kay Herlihy/University of Lowell. 

Folder Dissertation. “A Contextual Study of the Immigrant City: Lawrence, Massachusetts”, April 2002 (2009.041.001). This folder contains an excerpt from the Dissertation of Katharine K. Rodger titled “The Importance of Cultural Models in Adult Basic Education: A Study to Define the Cultural Models Held by the Dominican Adult Learners of the Immigrant City”. 

Folder Research Draft. “Development of Lawrence and Its Early Schools” by Jeannie Cooper. 

Folder Research Paper. “Lawrence Public Schools and Americanization, 1900-1925 (1988.049.001). This folder contains a research paper written by Agusta Agustsson in 1988. 

Folder Research Paper. “A Study of the Continuation School in Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1919-53”, December 11, 1972. This folder contains a research paper written by Lynn Weiner.

Folder Booklet. "Free LPS End Receivership" published by Elevated Thought 2024.

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