Family Background

Family Background of George E. Kunhardt ( 1862-1935)
George E. Kunhardt, a native of New York City was born in Castelton, Richmond County, Staten Island, NY. His family background was German and Irish.
Kunhardt's Father
His father, Henry R. ( Rudolph) Kunhardt, Sr., was born in Hamburg Germany in 1826; he founded Kunhardt & Co., Steamship agents based in Hamburg and New York.
Kunhardt's mother
His mother, Catherine Trenor Bradish was Irish, born in England, chritsened in St. Mary's Church in New York City in 1837. She was the daughter of a merchant from New York City. The merchant's wife was from Connecticut.
Kunhardt Children
The Kunhardt children included two daughters and two sons.
Martha E. Kunhardt was born in 1895,
Hildegard Kunhardt was born in 1904
George E. Kunhardt was born in 1898
Philip Bradish Kunhardt was born in 1901.
Philip married Dorothy Meserve Kunhardt. Dorothy created the first-ever pop-up children's book, Pat The Bunny, first published on 1904. Children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of Dorothy and Philip are well known writers and documentarians.