Created by UMass Lowell graduate student/Methuen High School social studies teacher Stephanie Turmel under the supervision of UMass Distinguished Professor of History Robert Forrant and Lawrence History Center staff (2019).
Lesson 1: Introduction to the Pemberton Mill Disaster
Lesson Summary: Students will be introduced to the Pemberton Mill Disaster by watching a short documentary film called ‘The Path’. The film also takes students on an interactive tour of Lawrence.
Learning Objective(s): Students will understand the cause and effects of the Pemberton Mill Disaster
Lesson Overview:
Opener: To assess what students already know about The Pemberton Mill Tragedy, students will complete a K-W Chart. Students will then watch ‘The Path’, a documentary movie about the Pemberton Mill and complete a guided worksheet.
The movie can be watched in two ways:- Watch The Path movie in six mini segments While watching the movie students will complete “The Path” Video Guide (Resource #1)
- Watch the full movie While watching the movie students will complete S-I-T: Surprising, Interesting, Troubling (Resource #2)
Teacher Note: Background on movie - ‘The Path’ is an award-winning interactive documentary about Lawrence MA that uses sleek signs and online videos to tell the tale of two sisters caught in the largest industrial disaster in Massachusetts history.
- Watch The Path movie in six mini segments While watching the movie students will complete “The Path” Video Guide (Resource #1)
- Summative Assessment: At the end of Student Resource #1 you will find a writing prompt that can be used a summative assessment, homework , or an in class activity.
- Writing Prompt: Students will imagine they lived in the boarding house and saw the Pemberton Mill collapse. They will write a short letter home to their family about the disaster and how it impacted them.
Extension Activities: Students will take a field trip and “walk” the path outlined in documentary. Students can use Google Satellite to explore the area and go on a virtual field trip of the area.