Recap of the 2012 Eartha Dengler History Award Ceremony
The Board of Directors of the Lawrence History Center and the Host Committee are pleased and excited to announce the recipient of the 2012 Eartha Dengler History Award:
Richard Purinton The Lawrence Gateway and One Man’s Mission to Help
Dick Purinton is a man with a mission, quietly and effectively doing what one person can to make the Lawrence gateway real for Lawrence's people and the organizations that serve them. His work with the Essex County Community Foundation, Jericho Road, the Greater Lawrence Summer Fund, the Essex Art Center and the Lawrence Family Development Charter School is an inspiration to all. Today, his boundless energies are focused most on the Student Immigration Movement, as he mentors, advises, connects, and provides financial support for young people from Lawrence who seek paths to education and citizenship. Dick is a man who lives, every day, the optimism, opportunity and generosity of a true gateway.
In keeping with Dick’s work and passions, the Award Event this year will pay tribute to him and also showcase the ways that Lawrence continues to serve as a gateway city for immigrants from around the world. We are delighted to honor Dick and we invite you to join us in celebration of his leadership on Thursday, June 14, 2012 at 5:30 p.m. on the 6th Floor of the Everett Mill, 15 Union Street, Lawrence!
2012 Dengler History Award Host Committee
Ralph Carrero
Leslie Costello
Patricia Karl
Joan Kulash
Josh Miner
David and Helen Tory
Susan C. Tucker
David Welbourn