

Jewish Books
Title (generic)

2012.061.001 is The Works of Morris Rosenfeld Vol. III and the book is in Yiddish.
2012.061.002 is Morris Rosenfeld's Selected Works Vol. I and it is also in Yiddish.
2012.061.003 this book is in Hebrew or in Yiddish writing and it was published by the Hebrew Publishing Company in 1923. 2012.061.004 is titled Pioneers in Food Science Vol. I by Samuel Cate Prescott an M.I.T Dean and Pioneer Food Technologist, and this book is about the story of the life of Samuel Cate Prescott.
2012.061.005 is Morris Rosenfeld's Selected Works Vol. III, and it is in Yiddish.
2012.061.006 is The Works of Morris Rosenfeld Vol. II, and it is in Yiddish also.
2012.061.007 is the Shiloh Dictionary, it is in Hebrew-English by Zevi Scharfstein.
2012.061.008 is titled A History of The Jews, and it is about the ancient Israelites, the second Temple, the Talmudic Age, the Golden Age of Judaism, and the Dark Ages by Paul Goodman. 2012.061.009 is all in Hebrew or Yiddish and it was published by the Hebrew Publishing Company in 1927.
2012.061.010 is The Works of Morris Rosenfeld Vol. I, this book is in Yiddish.
2012.061.011 is Hamillon Hamaasi: Practical Hebrew-English Dictionary by Menahem G. Glenn. It was published by the Hebrew Publishing Company.
2012.061.012 is called Friends and Strangers by Joseph Cheskis, and it was published in 1922 in Boston. It is a book of fiction in Hebrew.
-Jewish/Hebrew Books- Box 2

Accession No.
Lawrence History Center Library
This book is owned by the Lawrence History Center, but copyright may be held by another business or organization. Please contact the Center for more information.
English, Yiddish, Hebrew
2nd Floor Stacks - Shelving
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Soto_ Nashley
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