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  1. Type: Library
    The Passionate People:
    … Author writes: "Nineteen years after Hitler's death it seemed propitious, and more then that, essential, to begin a consideration of Jews in America. Their successes were immense, their freedom was expanding and yet for many fires of the Holocaust burned alive. Soon afterwards, when i set forth, it was not wander Hitler's country, but my own." -Jewish/Hebrew Books- Box 1 …
    Tags: States, History, Jews
  2. Type: Library
    Benjamin N. Cardozo American Judge
    … and addresses, his private correspondence, contemporary events affecting his thoughts and deeds, what has been written to and of him and said in public addresses, the recollections and estimates of his family, friends and acquaintances. Very private information is not part of the biography. Although he was a self proclaimed agnostic, his heritage was Spanish-Iberian Portuguese Western Jewish Sephardim. He was designated to the New York Court of Appeals in February, 1914; and appointed to the Supreme Court in 1932. He was a member of the 'Three Musketeers' along with Brandeis and Stone, which was considered to be the liberal faction of the Supreme Court. In his years as an Associate Justice, he handed down opinions that stressed the necessity for the tightest adherence to …
    Tags: Benjamin, Cardozo, american, judge
  3. Type: Library
    Jews in America
    … This book is about the Jews coming to America and how they have disappeared and how some Jews were learning to survive in America. -Jewish/Hebrew Books- Box 1 …
    Tags: States, History, Jews
  4. Type: Library
    The Rise of David Levinsky
    … This is the story of a young talmudic scholar who moves from a small town in Russia to New York City. It discusses his rise from poverty to riches, and the difficulties of assimilation to a new culture. Jewish/Hebrew Books- Box 3 …
    Tags: Immigration, Poverty, Assimilation, Jews
  5. Type: Library
    Untitled Hebrew Exercise Books
    … These two books are lesson books. They teach you how to read Hebrew using the English language. It also has pictures and the name of the picture in Hebrew. The publisher, author, and title are in Hebrew. -Jewish/Hebrew books- Box 2 …
    Tags: Teaching, English, Language, Hebrew, Lessons, Book
  6. Type: Library
    Der Vilner Gaon Historical Novel
    … This book is in Yiddish and it has not been translated. Jewish/Hebrew Books- Box 6. …
    Tags: Historical, Literature
  7. Type: Library
    Morning Prayers
    … This book is originally written in Hebrew but it contains many of the prayers translated to English. This book is a Prayer Book. -Jewish/Hebrew Books- Box 1 …
    Tags: Religion, Morning, Prayers, Hoshanoth, Judaism
  8. Type: Library
    … This book teaches children how to read Hebrew. -Jewish/Hebrew Books- Box 2 …
    Tags: Teaching, Lessons, Hebrew, Language
  9. Type: Library
    The World & People
    … This book is in Yiddish and it has not been translated. -Jewish/Hebrew Books- Box 6. …
    Tags: Literature
  10. Type: Library
    Survey Graphic
    … News magazine from 1939 covering issues of "race and industrial relations, health, education and general welfare." 199 pages. Includes articles and photographs. Particular emphasis in this edition on fascism, Nazi Germany and the promise of a Jewish state in Palestine. …
    Tags: Nazis, Jews, Health, Israel, Germany, education, Racism